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Crafting 1Magic EyeEye
Pixie Dust
Crafting 1Magical Creepy EyeCreepy Eye
Pixie Dust
Crafting 2+Random Fire ScrollBlank Fire Scroll
Magic Ink Pot and Quill
(Secrets of the Scroll V) ([C2]: Burning Touch, Smokescreen, Small Fireball, Fire Resistance Shield, Summon Fire Elemental, Flare, Haste, Immune to Freezing, or Burn My Eyes. [C3]: + Purifying Fire, or Firefly. [C4]: + Immolation. [C5]: + Meteor Shower, or Infectious Flame.)Scrolls & Skill Books
Crafting 2Creapy Eye HelmetMagical Creapy Eye
Leather Helmet
(IL=HL. + Sight. Perception: +1(HL1) / +2 (HL17))Armor
Crafting 2The Third Eye HelmetMagic Eye
Leather Helmet
(IL=HL. Perception: +1(HL1) / +2 (HL17))Armor
Crafting 1Creepy Eye AmuletMagical Creepy Eye
(The Adventurer's Field Guide XIX) (Perception: +1 (HL1) / +2 (HL17), + Sight)Amulets
Crafting 1The Third Eye AmuletMagic Eye
(The Adventurer's Field Guide XIX) (Perception: +1 (HL1) / +2 (HL17))Amulets
Crafting 2Debuff Perception PotionEye
Poison Flask
(Perception: -2)Potions
Crafting 5Minor Perception PotionEye
Empty Potion Flask
(Fun With Fluids VII, Druid's Alchemy Notes) (Perception: +1)Potions