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Knife or Dagger
Crafting 1Magic FeatherFeather
Pixie Dust
Crafting 1Magical Fancy FeatherFancy Feather
Pixie Dust
Knife or Dagger
(Secrets of the Scroll IV)Ingredients
Crafting 2+Random Air ScrollBlank Air Scroll
Magic Ink Pot and Quill
(Secrets of the Scroll V) ([C2]: Air Resistance Shield, Summon Air Elemental, Become Air, Blitz Bolt, Bitter Cold, Headvice, Remove Petrification, or Teleportation. [C3]: + Feather Drop, Immune to Electrified, Invisibility, Lightning Strike, or Shocking Touch. [C4]: + Tornado. [C5]: + Chain Lightning, Make Invisible, or Storm.)Scrolls & Skill Books
Crafting 2Fancy Feather HelmetMagical Fancy Feather
Leather Helmet
(IL=HL. Sneaking: +1. Air Resistance: +5%(HL1) / +10%(HL4) / +15%(HL9) / +20%(HL14) / +25%(HL19))Armor
Crafting 2Feather HelmetMagic Feather
Leather Helmet
(IL=HL. Sneaking: +1. Air Resistance: +5%(HL1) / +10%(HL6) / +15%(HL11) / +20%(HL16) / +25%(HL21))Armor
Crafting 1Fancy Feather AmuletMagical Fancy Feather
(The Adventurer's Field Guide XIX) (Dexterity: +1 (HL1) / +2 (HL17), + HP)Amulets
Crafting 1Feather AmuletMagic Feather
(The Adventurer's Field Guide XIX) (Dexterity: +1 (HL1) / +2 (HL17))Amulets
Crafting 1Fancy Feather BeltMagical Fancy Feather
(Initiative: +1. + HP)Belts
Crafting 1Feather BeltMagic Feather
(Initiative: +1)Belts
Crafting 2Fancy Feather RingMagical Fancy Feather
Jeveller's Kit: Ring
(Telekenesis: +1, + HP)Rings
Crafting 2Feather RingMagic Feather
Jeveller's Kit: Ring
(Telekenesis: +1)Rings